What is Air Roasting?

Air roasting roasts the coffee on a fluid bed of hot air as opposed to the traditional method of tumbling in a hot steel drum roaster. During the air roasting process, the skin aka “Chaff” of the bean rises off of the bean and is removed entirely from the roasting process. It is the removal of the "Chaff" during the roasting process that produces these results. In a typical drum roaster, the "Chaff" remains throughout the roasting process which causes the acidic and bitter tastes found in most coffees. Air roasting produces a cleaner and smoother taste than drum roasted coffee.

How long does coffee last and how fresh is your coffee?

While roasted coffee doesn't spoil or go bad, there is a "Freshness" time frame before coffee goes stale and loses most of its flavors. Most coffee purchased at grocery stores have been sitting on the shelf for a long time and are stale by the time you purchase it. This results in a less than desirable cup of coffee and ruins your day, even if you don't know it. Here at Smooth Bros Coffee, our coffee is always freshly roasted before being shipped to the customer. This provides a better experience and will help smooth out your day!

How do I store my coffee?

As soon as coffee is roasted it begins a process called degassing. The coffee releases CO2 and other gasses found within the coffee after going through the roasting process. For this reason, it is important to store coffee in an airtight package out of direct sunlight. Coffee will continue to degas through its life, which is why it is important to use packaging to allow these gasses to escape. Our coffee is packaged in bags that allow no light transmission, has a degassing valve built in and is resealable. So there is no need to purchase a fancy container to store your coffee in!

 Should I buy "Whole Bean" or "Ground Coffee"?

For coffee drinkers who seek the best cup of coffee, whole bean is the preferred method. When coffee is roasted, it starts the process of degassing (see above question/answer for more info). While all of our coffee is degassed for specific period of time before grinding and packaging, grinding coffee speeds up this process and allows for the coffee to oxidize quicker than if left whole bean. This means a much shorter shelf life. Whole bean on the other hand will degas and oxidize much slower. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase in whole bean and grind your coffee just prior to brewing. This will allow for the best and freshest coffee experience.

 If I buy whole bean, what type of coffee grinder should I use?

There are many grinders available on the market that offer a wide range of grind sizes at an affordable price. We recommend a Burr Grinder. Burr grinders uniformly grind the beans to the desired grind size. This allows for even extraction of coffee flavors during the brewing process, resulting in a better cup of coffee. We do not recommend Blade Grinders. While blade grinders are less expensive, they "Chop" the bean into inconsistent sizes. This does not allow for even flavor extraction during the brewing process and results in a less desirable cup of coffee. There are many affordable quality home Burr Grinders available on the market that provide a much better experience. After all,  life is too short for just OK experiences...

What's different about your K-Cups?

The majority of K-Cup you purchase on the market, especially store bought, are packaged with coffee that is already stale. The reason for this is because the traditional K-Cup/Pod does not allow for the coffee to degas. Therefore companies wait longer before filling/packaging their pods to avoid any issues with the pod seal rupturing.

Here at Smooth Bros we use K-Cups that allow the coffee to degas. Why is this a big deal you ask? Since our K-Cups allow the coffee to degas, this means we can fill out pods with fresh roasted coffee! This of course means a better coffee experience, since you will not be drinking stale coffee that has been sitting for way too long. Other reasons why our K-Cups are great are below.

  • Hold up to 1.5X more coffee than the standard K-Cup, as they have a deeper and stronger filter. This allows for a richer and fuller flavor.
  • Not sitting for weeks or months on a shelf. Only filled with fresh roasted coffee!
  • Compatible with all Keurig/single serve brewers.
  • 100% BPA free and recyclable. 

Who do I contact to help with my order?

info@smoothbroscoffee.com to reach us directly. Go to Contact Us page and fill out the form provided. We will be happy to help!